Monday, December 16, 2019

A Different Kind of Journey

Today's journal entry is unlike anything posted here before and, hopefully, nothing like this will ever be posted here again.  Today's entry is about traveling on a road that leads to a dark place that those of us that are parents hope never to travel.

How does one breathe when one's child has left this world before one?  How does one get through the day when that day's to do list includes planning a memorial service for one's only daughter?  How can the soul sister/friend of the one facing these monstrous circumstances best love on and serve her? Kathi and I have traveled many places together, but this road is one of heartbreak, tragedy and great love.

Kathi's beautiful and talented daughter, Ridley Victoria Morgan, passed away in her apartment in Chicago this past week.  She was an aspiring singer/songwriter and performer who had dreams of making it big in the music industry. She worked very hard over the past several years to make those dreams come true despite the huge obstacles on that path.  She was a loyal and loving friend, daughter, granddaughter and niece.  She was a champion of the underdog and those whose leanings were beyond the boundaries of social "norms".  She also was a victim of bipolar disorder and often found herself crippled by depression.  We talked about Ridley once before here on this blog back in 2010 in the entry named: Eureka Springs, Arkansas: Nov 4, 2010, Girls Weekend 13.  It was one of the first of many times that we talked about the challenges that Ridley faced and cried about her struggles.

We are crying again.  Not a day goes by that tears don't come to my eyes because I am struck by a grief so big that it takes my breath away.  I can only imagine how much bigger Kathi's grief is.  She poured so much of herself into her "Peanut" and now has to figure out how to carry on without her.

I am writing this because I must.  I have to get these words and these feelings written down so that they are no longer bottled up inside of me and because I need Kathi to know that I am grieving right alongside her even though I am not physically beside her as I write this.  I will be there soon.  I will walk on this road with you, as I have so many before, as best I can.

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